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Bernard van Dieren

Meet Bernard van Dieren!

Bernard van Dieren was born in Rotterdam in 1887, and apparently started studying science (he also had extraordinary mnemonic skills).

He published some of first works in the Netherlands, the in 1909 moved to ondon, and basically remained in England for the rest of his life (there he died in 1936, after a kidney-related illness).

In his "new homeland", he met and became friend with a lot of artists, writers, and composers, like Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji, Peter Warlock and Cecil Gray, who all sustained van Dieren and his works.

Not that he was universally loved, since he's known to be quite despised by Hubert Parry and Charles Stanford; and most notably, when Warlock (probably his closest friend) died and left everything to him, Warlock's son accused van Dieren to have killed his father...

But now, let's discover some of van Dieren's works!

On SPs score videos, there are five of them:

[This are also basically the only works by van Dieren for which both a score and a recording are available...]


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