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Hermann Goetz

Meet Hermann Goetz!

Goetz was born in Königsberg 1840.

Not from a family of musicians, he autonomously started composing, even before he was 18. Around his twenties, he started studied mathematics, but renounced and entered in the Stern Conservatory in Berlin, where he studied under Hans von Bülow (!).

After his graduation, he moved to Switzerland in 1863, where he obtained an huge success with is opera Der Widerspänstigen Zähmung (Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew").

Not for long, sadly: tubercolosis killed Goetz in 1876, four days before his 36th birthday.

Although, as I said, his shakespearean opera was widely acclaimed, it was also quickly forgotten (Felix Weingartner said it was "incomprehensible that his delightful opera comique should have entirely disappeared from the repertoire"), as much as the other Goetz's works. He was still praised by George Bernard Shaw, who admired Goetz's Symphony in F.

On SPs score videos channel, you're now going to listen and watch *seven* of his works, in a crescendo from small chamber to voices and orchestra:

Don't miss this forgotten masterworks, and enjoy!

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