Meet Emil von Reznicek!
Born in Vienna in 1860, he worked in Austria, Germany and in Prague, and gained international reputation with his opera Donna Diana.
Back in Berlin, having a wife of Jewish origins in the 30s was a becoming a problem. She tried to kill herself, and then died for heart attack in 1939. But the interesting part of his family were their prole.
His daughter Felicitas von Reznicek joined the Resistence in 1934, collaborated with the British MI6 and managed to access the Nazi Party inner circle.
On the other hand, her brother (Emil's younger son) Emil-Ludwig was very active in the Nazi Party, always on the edge of breaking any relationship with his father.
Emil, during the Third Reich, joined the Permanent Council for International Co-operation between Composers, an organization founded by Richard Strauss in order to being tolerated by Nazi without actually endorsing their views (they performed jazz and works from Jewish composers).
With the situation getting worse, Emil von Reznicek's works were progressively less performed. He left Berlin in 1943 and had a stroke in Austria; he came back in Berlin two years later with a severe dementia, and died the same year, probably not even consciuos that World War II was ending.
Now that we recapitulated his complex life, let's see which are the Emil von Reznicek's work tha you can find on SPs score videos:
his Violin Concerto, in E minor
his Serenade for Strings, in G major
his (quite tragic) Symphonische Suite No.1, in E minor
his (definitely happier) Symphonische Suite No.2, in D major
his Traumspiel-Suite
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